
Once the ISLA project was picking up steam, it was apparent that I needed to re-learn photography. I started with the Sony mirrorless A7 series and was completely astonished by how far the technology had come since I last used a digital camera. I have to say that the camera itself inspired me to take up photography with reckless abandon. I took 120,000 shots with my A7 before upgrading to the A7Rii. This page offers a small cross section of some of my favorite shots. The button below links to my main photography portfolio.

Sometimes, normally by accident, I will take a picture that has a strange and special quality. Usually it is somehow out of focus, or focusing on the wrong thing, but somehow captures the emotionality of the scene in the right way. I realized that this style, which I call "Thistledown", feels to me an accurate representation of human memory - fuzzy on obvious details but with a clear emotional quality. Memories and pictures like this seem to have an interchangeable quality in the mind's eye. Being aware that my children will forget their early childhood memories, my theory is that these pictures can help completely rebuild lost memories, thus extending their lives back into their childhoods.

Sony A7iii Mirrorless
ZEISS Sonnar T 55mm F1.8 Full Frame Prime
ZEISS Batis 25mm F2 Full Frame